Sewer Lateral / Interior Waste Pipe Inspections Part 2
In part two we will address why you may want to conduct a sewer lateral / interior waste pipe inspection prior to your listing / purchase of your home.
For most people, the first thing they will fall in love with when purchasing a house will be the “curb appeal” or aesthetic value of the house It may be the look and feel coupled with the location that meets their needs. But often, once they find a place, they then go through the process of qualifying it for livability and cost of potential repairs. The “big five” are “Roofs, A.C. / HVAC Systems, Plumbing, Electrical, and Structural”. But what many people don’t think of is the interior of their pipe, or the condition of the pipe once it exits their house. While roofs, HVAC, and Structural issues are indeed big ticket items in terms of cost for repairs, a interior plumbing or sewer lateral issue can be quite costly in itself.
Unseen Costs
Holes in interior pipes or outside the residence, can lead to leaks into the surrounding soil, causing erosion of the subsurface which could lead to issues with the structural integrity of the house, or other health issues. Additionally, the plumbing may be affected by root intrusions into the pipe, or even infestations with vermin (insects, mice, rats). You may notice unpleasant odors or constant wet spots. Beyond odors from a break in a pipe, in San Francisco, there are exterior drains that are shared with the interior waste pipe. This could lead to back-ups outside the house at floor drains which may lead to it’s own set of odors. insects or moisture issues.
The costs to replace the pipe or do spot repairs may not be the only expenses that accumulate. Interior and exterior damage from surrounding soils or damage to the structure may end up costing more than the repairs to the plumbing itself. But perhaps the pipe is in serviceable condition and free from defects at this time, are there other things to consider that could affect future costs for ownership?
Other Costs
A popular consideration when purchasing a house is reconfiguring the house via remodeling. Many newer homeowners are opting to take advantage of their living space by means of adding living area. Others are opting to invest in ADU’s on their property. In both instances, they may want to invest in a interior / sewer lateral inspection to see the condition of the pipe they will be making connections into. Additional options beyond the inspection would be mapping, to determine the path of the pipe, and depths of the existing pipe to determine what options may be best suited for any expansion / remodel / addition to the existing living space.
Lastly we will discuss responsibility of the homeowner , (particularly in San Francisco). SFPUC (San Francisco Water, Power, Sewer) states that “Property owners are responsible for maintenance, including clearing and jetting the pipe to keep the pipe clear and in good working order. “
“If the pipe is found in bad conditions, property owners must also repair and replace according to latest San Francisco Plumbing Codes.” - SFPUC.ORG
While the average owner may have a mostly trouble free pipe, the responsibility to keep a pipe in good serviceable condition is strictly the homeowners and the best way to ensure that your pipe is kept in the best condition is by keeping the pipe in good working order by regularly clearing it or inspecting it using Closed Circuit Television (CCTV) to identify any defects.