Slope - Is your pipe draining properly?
“Slope” or the distance of falling surface in a pipe, to be inclined away from a horizontal line, should ideally be 1/4 inch per linear foot. San Francisco code is “Horizontal drainage piping shall be run in practical alignment and a uniform slope of not less than 1/4 inch per foot (20.8 mm/m) or 2 percent toward the point of disposal provided that, where it is impractical due to the depth of the street sewer, to the structural features, or to the arrangement of a building or structure to obtain a slope of 1/4 inch per foot (20.8 mm/m) or 2 percent, such pipe or piping 4 inches (100 mm) or larger in diameter shall be permitted to have a slope of not less than 1/8 inch per foot (10.4 mm/m) or 1 percent, where first approved by the Authority Having Jurisdiction.” - SF Plumbing Code 708.1 General (Grade of Horizontal Drainage Piping).
“Where practicable, plumbing fixtures shall be drained to the public sewer or private sewage disposal system by gravity.” - SF plumbing code sec 709.1 General
But in many instances in San Francisco, there may be lower living levels within a residence or structure that are below the main sewer level or “next upstream manhole”. In those instances what can be done?
Drainage of Fixtures Located Below the Next Upstream Manhole or Below the Main Sewer Level - Sec 710 SF Plumbing Code
710.1 Backflow Protection:
:Fixtures installed on a floor level that is lower than the next upstream manhole cover of the public, or private sewer shall be protected from backflow of sewage by installing an approved type of backwater valve. Fixtures on such floor level that are not below the next upstream manhole cover shall not be required to be protected by a backwater valve. Fixtures on floor levels above such elevation shall not discharge through the backwater valve. Cleanouts for drains that pass through a backwater valve shall be clearly identified with a permanent label stating "backwater valve downstream."
710.1.1 Drainage of Fixtures Located Below the Fresh Air Inlet
“Where a fixture is installed with the flood rim level equal to or lower than the elevation of the fresh air inlet serving the house trap, the piping serving the fixture shall be protected by installing an approved type of backwater valve. Where a fixture is installed with the flood rim level higher than the elevation of the fresh air inlet serving the house trap, the fixture shall not discharge through such backwater valve.”
710.2 Sewage Discharge
“Drainage piping serving fixtures that are located below the crown level of the main sewer shall discharge into an approved watertight sump or receiving tank, so located as to receive the sewage or wastes by gravity. From such sump or receiving tank, the sewage or other liquid wastes shall be lifted and discharged into the building drain or building sewer by approved ejectors, pumps, or other equally efficient approved mechanical devices”
710.3 Sewage Ejector and Pumps
A sewage ejector or sewage pump receiving the discharge of water closets or urinals:
Shall have a discharge capacity of not less than 20 gpm (1.26 L/s).
In single dwelling units, the ejector or pump shall be capable of passing an 11/2 inch (38 mm) diameter solid ball, and the discharge piping of each ejector or pump shall have a backwater valve and gate valve, and be not less than 2 inches (50 mm) in diameter.
In other than single-dwelling units, the ejector or pump shall be capable of passing a 2 inch (51 mm) diameter solid ball, and the discharge piping of each ejector or pump shall have a backwater valve and gate valve, and be not less than 3 inches (80 mm) in diameter.
**”The minimum size of any pump or any discharge pipe from a sump having a water closet connected thereto shall be not less than 2 inches (50 mm).”
710.4 Discharge Line
“The discharge line from such ejector, pump, or another mechanical device shall be of approved pressure rated material and be provided with an accessible backwater or swing check valve and gate or ball valve. Where the gravity drainage line to which such discharge line connects is horizontal, the method of connection shall be from the top through a wye branch fitting. The gate or ball valve shall be located on the discharge side of the backwater or check valve.”
“Gate or ball valves, where installed in drainage piping, shall be fullway type with working parts of corrosion-resistant metal. Sizes 4 inches (100 mm) or more in diameter shall have cast-iron bodies and sizes less than 4 inches (100 mm), cast-iron or copper alloy bodies.”
710.5 Size of Building Drains and Sewers
“Building drains or building sewers receiving a discharge from a pump or ejector shall be adequately sized to prevent overloading. Two fixture units shall be allowed for each gallon per minute (L/s) of flow.”
710.6 Backwater Valves
“Backwater valves, gate valves, fullway ball valves, unions, motors, compressors, air tanks, and other mechanical devices required by this section shall be located where they will be accessible for inspection and repair and, unless continuously exposed, shall be enclosed in a masonry pit fitted with an adequately sized removable cover.
Backwater valves shall comply with ASME A112.14.1, and have bodies of cast-iron, plastic, copper alloy, or other approved materials; shall have noncorrosive bearings, seats, and self-aligning discs; and shall be constructed to ensure a positive mechanical seal. Such backwater valves shall remain open during periods of low flows to avoid screening of solids and shall not restrict capacities or cause excessive turbulence during peak loads. Unless otherwise listed, valve access covers shall be bolted type with gasket, and each valve shall bear the manufacturer's name cast into the body and the cover.”
710.7 Drainage and Venting Systems
“The drainage and venting systems, in connection with fixtures, sumps, receiving tanks, and mechanical waste-lifting devices shall be installed under the same requirements as provided for in this code for gravity systems.”
710.8 Sump and Receiving Tank Construction
“Sumps and receiving tanks shall be watertight and shall be constructed of concrete, metal, or other approved materials. Where constructed of poured concrete, the walls and bottom shall be adequately reinforced and designed to recognized acceptable standards. Metal sumps or tanks shall be of such thickness as to serve their intended purpose and shall be treated internally and externally to resist corrosion.”
710.9 Alarm
“Such sumps and receiving tanks shall be automatically discharged and, wherein a "public use" occupancy, shall be provided with dual pumps or ejectors arranged to function alternately in normal use and independently in case of overload or mechanical failure. The pumps shall have an audio and visual alarm, readily accessible, that signals pump failure or an overload condition. The lowest inlet shall have a clearance of not less than 2 inches (51 mm) from the high-water or "starting" level of the sump.”
710.10 Sump and Receiving Tank Covers and Vents
“Sumps and receiving tanks shall be provided with substantial covers having a bolt-and-gasket-type manhole or equivalent opening to permit access for inspection, repairs, and cleaning. The top shall be provided with a vent pipe that shall extend separately through the roof or, where permitted, be combined with other vent pipes. Such vent shall be large enough to maintain atmospheric pressure within the sump under normal operating conditions and, in no case, shall be less in size than that required by Table 703.2 for the number and type of fixtures discharging into the sump, nor less than 11/2 inches (40 mm) in diameter. Where the preceding requirements are met and the vent, after leaving the sump, is combined with vents from fixtures discharging into the sump, the size of the combined vent need not exceed that required for the total number of fixtures discharging into the sump. No vent from an air-operating sewage ejector shall combine with other vents.”
710.11 Air Tanks
“Air tanks shall be so proportioned as to be of equal cubical capacity to the ejectors connected in addition to that in which there shall be maintained an air pressure of not less than 2 pounds per foot (lb/ft) (3 kg/m) of height the sewage is to be raised. No water-operated ejectors shall be permitted.”
710.12 Grinder Pump Ejector
“Grinder pumps shall be permitted to be used.”